Marshall Islands Social Security Administration

Published 24 February 2021

MISSA joins Kwajalein Day celebrations and blessing of Ribuuk Meto

Speaker talking during opening ceremony of Kwajelein Day

On February 9, 2021 the entire MISSA Board together with the Administrator, CFO and Ebeye staff joined hundreds of Ebeye residents to mark the 77th anniversary of the liberation of Kwajalein Atoll from the Japanese during World War 2. The ceremony was held at the Monkubok basketball area and included Iroijlaplap and Kwajalein Senator Michael Kabua, Iroijlaplap Kotak Loeak, US Army-Garrison Kwajalein Atoll (USAKA) Commander Col. Jeremy Bartel, RMI President David Kabua and top government officials, and foreign dignitaries and guests from the embassies of the United States of America, Republic of China (Taiwan) and Japan.

Ronnie Jibbwa was designated as the master of ceremonies. The program started with an opening prayer from Rev. Lawson Matauto, pastor of Ebeye United Church of Christ. There were a number of prominent speakers who gave inspiring speeches that included Iroijlaplap and Kwajalein Senator Michael Kabua, Iroijlaplap Kotak Loeak, RMI President David Kabua, Kwajalein Senator David Paul and KALGov Mayor Hirata Kabua. The audience was delighted when US Ambassador to the RMI Roxanne Cabral delivered her speech both in English and Marshallese. She highlighted in her speech the long and enduring relationship between the Marshall Islands and the United States of America which started when American soldiers liberated Kwajalein Atoll from Japanese forces in WW II. The Kwajalein Marching Band also put on a great performance during the celebrations.

Ship Approaching Ebeye Dock

An important event was also held a day before the commemoration of Kwajalein Day. It marked the maiden voyage from Majuro to Ebeye and blessing of the country’s newest government ship named Ribuuk Meto. As the ship approached the Ebeye Dock, local residents were dancing with excitement, throwing apples and oranges to the delight of the crewmembers and local residents on board the ship. During the celebrations, MISSA Board member and Finance Minister Alfred Alfred Jr. was asked to deliver a speech.

Finance Minister Alfred Alfred Jr. Speaking
Finance Minister Alfred Alfred Jr. delivering a speech

Another highlight of the MISSA Board’s trip to Ebeye was its second regular meeting outside Majuro that was held at the Greenhouse Apartment close to MIR-Ebeye Hotel. The Board has agreed to hold a meeting in Ebeye at least once a year. It is important to note that about 20% of MISSA’s revenue from contributions come from Kwajalein employers at USAKA and businesses in Ebeye. The leading contributors in USAKA include Dyncorp, Range Generation Next, San Juan Construction Co. and the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES). Ebeye’s big employers are comprised of Kwajalein Atoll Local Government (KALGov), Triple J-Ebeye, D-I-Y and Lucky Star. 

One milestone that was reached during the meeting was the board’s decision to help a significant number of KALGOv’s former and current employees and have their MISSA contributions credited to their names in order to earn MISSA benefits when they retire. The amounts owed are secured by the 3% Kwajalein Land Use Tax that are directly remitted by the Ministry of Finance to MISSA. The Administration commended KALGov Mayor Hirata Kabua for his able leadership and vigilant effort in ensuring that all quarters from 2014 to present remain current and paid in full and posted by MISSA. Likewise, MISSA is in constant communication with the Ministry of Finance, MISSA Board Member and Minister Kitlang Kabua, and traditional leaders of Kwajalein as well as the RMI Cabinet to ensure that KALGov is accorded with the best available options provided that its payments are very secure. MISSA is confident that these debts will certainly be paid in full in due time.


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