Marshall Islands Social Security Administration

Published 9 June 2020

Taxpayers can now pay MISSA using BOMI debit card

The Administration now joins more than a hundred local merchants and businesses on Majuro and Ebeye in enjoying the convenience of transacting business by the use of the Bank of Marshall Islands (BOMI) debit cards. With the recent installation of the BOMI debit card machine at MISSA’s front desk, a taxpayer will no longer need to write a check nor pay cash for social security contributions. Just like the way customers pay their groceries while shopping at K&K or Payless Supermarket, the MISSA cashier will insert the BOMI debit card to the machine and then enter the amount of MISSA taxes based on the completed MISSA Tax Form MISS-3 that will support the payment.

It is important to note that the MISS-3 form needs to be verified first by a MISSA Tax Officer to ensure that the information and amount to be paid are correct before payment is accepted. Once the transaction is successfully completed, the payment is automatically credited to MISSA’s account at BOMI. MISSA shall then issue the corresponding cash receipt once payment is completed.As MISSA is not into retail business, it will not accept any cash withdrawal via the BOMI debit card. The machine shall be only used exclusively for the payment of social security contributions. With the next quarterly deadline (on July 10, 2020) just a month away, this BOMI initiative is very timely as taxpayers are currently faced with the challenge of maintaining enough cash for their day-to-day operations  due to the current shortage of currencies in circulation both in Majuro and Ebeye.


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