Marshall Islands Social Security Administration

Published 10 December 2021

Retirees Celebrate 31st International Day of Older Persons

More than 200 senior and disabled citizens enjoyed a lunch banquet at the International Convention Center (ICC) in Majuro as they joined the United Nations in celebrating the 31st International Day of Older Persons. This was the first time that this yearly event was celebrated in the Marshall Islands that was organized by the senior citizen coordinating committee of the Ministry of Health and Human Resources (MOHHS).

On December 14, 1990, the United Nations General Assembly has designated October 1st of every year as International Day of Older Persons. However, due to the nation’s mourning for the passing of the Chairperson of the House of Iroij, the event was moved to November 5, 2021.

The 2021 theme, “Digital Equity for All Ages”, affirms the need for access and meaningful participation in the digital world by older persons. According to the UN, recent reports by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) indicate that older persons and women experience digital inequity to a greater extent than other groups in society; they either lack access to technologies, or are often not benefitting fully from the opportunities provided by technological progress.

The program started with an opening prayer by Rev. Palukne Johnny, Chaplain for the Nitijela. It was followed by inspiring remarks from MALGov Mayor Ladie Jack and slide show presented by Chief Nurse Hillia Enos. The main guest of honor, his Excellency President David Kabua, delivered the keynote address. The Master of Ceremony was MOCIA’s  Senior Citizen Manager Lena Tiobech.

MISSA was represented by Board Member Aaron Silk who was a former President of the Retirees’ Association of the Marshall Islands, acting Administrator Bryan Edejer, Deputy Administrator and COO Bill Joseph, Almitha McKay and Velma Kisino.

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