Marshall Islands Social Security Administration

Published 11 July 2024

6 new MISSA Board members appointed by Cabinet

At its meeting on June 21, 2024, the Cabinet appointed six (6) new members of the MISSA Board, namely:

  1. Mr. Mothy Jabot Andrew, Retiree
  2. Mrs. Sophia Adele Fowler, Worker
  3. Ms. Daisy Pedro, Other person
  4. Mr. Elson Helkena, Other person
  5. Mr. Michael Sawej Other person
  6. Dr. Dustin Maita Bantol, Kwajalein Atoll

The 6 outgoing directors whose 3-year term expired include Ms. Kathryn Relang (Vice-Chair), Mr. Nicholas Tibon, Ms. Josepha Maddison, Mrs. Terry Nemra, Mr. Anjabro Kabua and Mr. Aaron Silk.

Furthermore, three incumbent Board Members from the Nitijela: Health Minister & MISSA Board Chair Ota Kisino, Foreign Affairs Minister Kalani Kaneko and Senator Dennis Momotaro retained their posts in the MISSA Board.

Min. & Chairman Ota Kisino
Vice-Chair Daisy Pedro
Minister Kalani Kaneko
Sophia Reimers Fowler
Mothy Andrew
Dr. & Director Dustin Bantol
Director Michael Sawej
Director Elson Helkena

Under existing MISSA laws, the Board shall consist of nine (9) members. The Minister of Health shall be the Chairman of the Board, and Eight other members appointed by the Cabinet, including two other members of the Nitijela. The composition of the Board shall be as follows:

  1. One (1) person who is a retiree;
  2. One (1) person who is a worker;
  3. Three (3) other persons;
  4. Three (3) members of the Nitijela, one of whom is the Minister of Health; and
  5. One (1) person from Kwajalein Atoll.

In making appointments to the Board, consideration was given to the adequacy of geographical representation and representation of employers and workers from both the public and private sectors.

In his email (to announce the new Board) to the former Board Members, MISSA Administrator Bryan Edejer said, “on behalf of the Min. and Chair Ota Kisino (including past Chairs) and the Administration, we express our sincere gratitude for your selfless leadership and service to this organization and the country.  MISSA’s marvelous achievements over the years will always trace back to you.” Likewise, MISSA’S management and staff also warmly welcomed the six new appointees and the three retained directors from the Nitijela, and stay confident that with their able leadership, the Administration will remain in good hands, and continue to serve its beneficiaries and the people of the Marshall Islands with transparency, accountability and good governance.

During their first special meeting held on July 8, 2024, Director Daisy Pedro was elected as Vice-Chairman. In order for the new members to understand how MISSA operates, Administrator Bryan Edejer made a brief presentation about MISSA’S organizational structure and the Administration’s operational and financial highlights that include statistical data, tax compliance & delinquency, benefits, Ebeye operations, local and foreign investments, actuarial valuation and worker’s compensation.

Their first order of business was the RMI Social Support Act, 2023 that was passed by the Nitijela on September 28, 2023, under Bill No. 105 and became Public Law 2023-93. The highlights of the program include the following:

  1. Its purpose is to establish a non-contributory pension and disability support scheme to provide basic income support for eligible retirement-age residents and persons with disabilities (PWDs) who are not currently receiving any retirement or disability income benefits from MISSA or any other retirement, pension or disability program;
    • Will include an initial pilot phase of the scheme of three (3) financial years, from FY 2024 to FY 2026;
    • The initial monthly benefit level per beneficiary during the three-year pilot period shall be $100; and
    • A special appropriation of $750,000 was made through the Appropriations Act to launch the pilot-phase of the program.
  2. MISSA will administer the program, will be paid a reasonable amount of administrative fees;
  3. Eligibility requirements for non-contributory pension scheme:
    • Beneficiary must be at least 60 years of age;
    • Must be a permanent resident of the RMI; and
    • Must not be a recipient of any MISSA retirement related benefits or any other retirement or pension program in the RMI or any other jurisdiction.
  4. Eligibility requirements for disability benefit scheme:
    • People of all ages are eligible (but has to pass a medical evaluation by MISSA’s medical examiner);
    • Must be a permanent resident of the RMI; and
    • Must not be a recipient of any MISSA disability related benefits or any other disability program in the RMI or any other jurisdiction.

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